Thursday, February 12, 2009

Group Learning ideas....

So, the initial project will be working with 20-30 kids in 2 groups divided by age, probably 3-4 times this semester. We have 3 hours of instruction, 1 hour for lunch, and then 2 more hours for hands-on, fun activities that hopefully reinforce the ideas form the morning.

It would not be a bad idea to think of this group as a CR 'day camp'. Now it's figuring out exactly how to teach, what to teach, and how to incorporate hands-on CR work in a way that is both fun and informative.

Some Ideas:
- Contact Manhattan Children's Theater and Theater Dept. for skit ideas? Effectiveness?

- Have the kids make a video - CREATE content that they can view and perhaps we can use? I don't know if that would cross a line somewhere... Perhaps not if we don't really do anything with it post-exercise.

- Board games?

- Leadership/communication, trust/team building exercises adapted for this?

- adapted circle of conflict?

- incorporate songs about conflict? perhaps write new lyrics?

- Fun exercise - Zen force deflection?

There are lots of ideas to throw around. Some goals for reflective listening and understanding might be to emphasize viewing people from different POVs and then "walking in someone else's shoes" - conflict circle or skits? One thing that we could look at for inspiration is perhaps how different cultures resolve conflict and also how their children play/become acculturated. Another goal is to make a clear link between the didactic portion of the lessons and the interactive (remind them of what they learned) -> interactive instruction? Multiple levels/modes of learning will also be quite helpful. Basically, PLAN a LOT and then see how it goes.

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